Want to work for an awesome team?
If you’re a dedicated college-age student looking to learn about business, we want to teach you the ropes.
We offer paid internships located at our corporate office in Norman, Oklahoma and at other select Alliance branches.
You will:
- Perform quality control visits
- Learn to generate online sales leads
- Help make sales calls
- Focus on your areas of strength
- Work with a team of people who care about seeing you develop as a business leader
For more information, contact us at internship@alliancemaintenance.com, or find us on Handshake.
This video was made by interns!
The Intern Experience
I really enjoyed the flexibility with my class schedule, and I learned so much from my experience on how to cold call, prospect, find leads, and much more.
At Alliance I learned that to be a successful leader, you must take action and responsibility. Authority isn’t just given, it’s earned. This is something I will take back with me to college on my team and in the classroom.
The internship was great for me to learn how to prospect for new clients, continue to grow relationships with existing customer base, manage people and products, as well as learn the day-to-day operations of the company.
I liked the exposure to real world work and projects, mentorship from upper management, and the people/culture!
At Alliance I got to work on a lot of different projects that tested my knowledge and pushed me to learn new things.
I really loved the culture of the company. It was amazing getting to work in the corporate office in Norman because everyone there was so helpful, friendly, and welcoming.
Some of my favorite things about the Alliance internship was the amount of time the leadership team spent getting to know me and teaching me about the principles of business as well as how to be successful in business while staying true to myself.
Being surrounded by a group of professionals that want to help you succeed has been the most rewarding aspect of this internship.
I liked the exposure I got to all aspects of the business. I got to participate in sales calls, bid deliveries, site inspections, customer meetings, and recruiting meetings. This gave me the opportunity to see what areas of business I enjoyed the most.
I loved getting to learn from everyone at Alliance. They all really value their job and had something different to teach me. They showed me the kind of person I would like to be in business.
This page was created by Alliance interns!